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Table 1 Case definitions of hospital-acquired pneumonia in children stratified by different age groups

From: Ventilator-associated pneumonia in neonates, infants and children


Onset >72 h after birth and one of the following radiologic criteria:

-new or progressive infiltrates


-adhesions or fluid in lobar fissures/pleura


Worsening gas exchange (SaO2 ↓; O2 requirement ↑; Ventilation parameters ↑)


Four of the following signs and symptoms:

-fever (>38.0°C), hypothermia (<36.5°C), or temperature instability

-new onset or increasing bradycardia (<80/min) or tachycardia (>200/min)

-new onset or increasing tachypnoea (>60/min) or apnoea (>20 seconds)

-new onset or increasing signs of dyspnoea (retractions, nasal flaring, grunting)

-increasing production of respiratory secretions and need for suctioning

-purulent tracheal secretion

-isolation of a pathogen in respiratory secretions


-elevated C-reactive protein (>20 mg/L)

I/T-ratio >0.2

Infants: 2–11 months

One of the following radiologic criteria:

-new or progressive infiltrate





Worsening gas exchange (SaO2 ↓; O2 requirement ↑; Ventilation parameters ↑)


Three of the following signs and symptoms:

-fever (>38.0°C), hypothermia (<36.5°C), or temperature instability

-leucopenia (<4000 WBC/mm3) or leucocytosis (≥15,000 WBC/mm3) with left shift (≥10% band forms)

-new onset of purulent sputum, or change in character of sputum, or increased respiratory secretions, or increased suctioning requirements

-apnoea or dyspnoea (tachypnoea, nasal flaring, retraction of chest wall, grunting)

-wheezing, rales, or rhonchi


-bradycardia (<100/min) or tachycardia (>170/min)

Children: 1–16 years

One of the following radiologic criteria:

-new or progressive and persistent infiltrate




Three of the following signs and symptoms:

-fever (>38.4°C) or hypothermia (<36.5°C)

-leukopenia (<4000 WBC/mm3) or leucocytosis (≥15,000 WBC/mm3)

-new onset of purulent sputum or change in character of sputum or increased respiratory secretions or increased suctioning requirements

-new onset or worsening cough or dyspnoea, apnoea, or tachyponea

-rales or bronchial breath sounds


-worsening gas exchange (SaO2 ↓; O2 requirement ↑; Ventilation parameters ↑)

  1. SaO2: Oxygen saturation; I/T-ratio: immature to total neutrophil ratio; WBC: white blood cell count; ↑: increase; ↓: decrease.