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Table 1 EMA/HMA: strategic goals for AMR and other emerging health threats.

From: Antimicrobial multidrug resistance in the era of COVID-19: a forgotten plight?

From: European medicines agencies network strategy to 2025: Protecting public health at a time of rapid change (Ref. [48])

 Provide high quality information on antimicrobial consumption and surveillance data on antimicrobial resistance in animals and humans in support of policy development

 Contribute to responsible use of antibacterial agents and effective regulatory antimicrobial stewardship in human and veterinary sectors by putting in place strategies to improve their use by patients, healthcare professionals and national authorities

 Ensure regulatory tools are available that guarantee therapeutic options (with a focus on veterinary medicines) while minimising impact of antimicrobial resistance on public health and the environment

 Define pull incentives for new and old antibacterial agents, including investigating support for new business models and not-for-profit development

 Foster dialogue with developers of new antibacterial agents and alternatives to traditional antimicrobials, to streamline their development and provide adequate guidance in both human and veterinary medicine

 Improve regulatory preparedness for emerging health threats