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Table 4 Baseline characteristics and epidemiological key data of the SARS-Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) outbreak in the department of neurology

From: SARS-Coronavirus-2 cases in healthcare workers may not regularly originate from patient care: lessons from a university hospital on the underestimated risk of healthcare worker to healthcare worker transmission

Case number


Onset of symptoms

Date of sample collection for SARS-CoV-2 test

Relevant contacta prior to onset of symptoms (or positive test if asymptomatic or unknown date of onset of symptoms)



13 March 2020

14 March 2020

None reported



14 March 2020

15 March 2020

Case 1



23 March 2020

30 March 2020

Case 1

  1. aRelevant contact was defined as direct contact with potentially infectious body fluids (e.g. respiratory tract specimen) without proper personal protective equipment (PPE) (patient to healthcare worker (HCW) contact), or exposure to aerosols without proper PPE (patient to HCW contact), or face-to-face contact under two meters without at least one person wearing a face mask (patient to patient, patient to HCW, HCW to patient and HCW to HCW contacts), or sharing the same patient room (patient to patient contact)